
I wonder if this is what being old feels like.

Having so much I could have done, but in the end it doesn't even matter because I haven't made anything of it.
Sitting around on my rocker waiting for miracles to happen, after I've finished crying.
And then they don't.

Hello world, feel pity on me. I'm just a poor little rich girl.
Cuz these days, I'm not even living a reality.
I'm a part of some kind of sick dream that I can't wake up from.

Why even try.
Why is it so much easier to close my eyes and forget it all.

Alive, but dead to the world around me.
Hopelessly. Utterly. Depressed.

Dear Society, I'm experiencing heartbreak of a different kind.
Oh fuck love, sadness is blind.

But you wouldn't really understand, now would you.
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